Module I

Wake Up Your Mind!
How to Build & Write Paragraphs

Module I is all about critical thinking skills!

Critical and creative thinking skills are at the heart of writing and at the heart of Incite to Write. This module gives students the solid foundation they need to become strong writers.The oral, interactive and written strategies and worksheets are uniquely designed to wake up the mind and develop thinking skills, as well as confidence in the writing process.

In this Module, Students Learn:

Paragraphs are the building blocks for all genres of writing. The skills learned in this module will prepare students for narrative, informative, expository and persuasive writing. Just as important, the strategies in this module make writing fun. They allow students to grow in confidence and experience how gratifying it can be to give expression to their own unique voice.

female student getting an idea

The diverse instructional strategies in Module 1 empower students to get started with an idea and generate new ideas when they are stuck.

They include brain-storming activities and problem-solving exercises that encourage curiosity, flexibility, and keeping an open mind.

The art of questioning and inquiry is a major focus of many of the exercises. The use of question strategies as a successful and data-driven instruction strategy is backed by numerous Tier 1 ESSA Strong Evidence research studies, which found question strategies have a significant impact on student achievement and promote higher-level thinking skills. See Evidence-Based Research HERE.

Module I : Wake Up Your Mind! How to Build & Write Paragraphs

  • 35 pages of downloadable strategies and worksheets
  • 57 minutes of on-demand videos
  • Videos are 5-18 minutes and show teachers and parents demonstrating several of the strategies during a workshop conducted by Incite to Write creator Carol Aubrey. You will learn writing tips and how best to implement the strategies.

B O N U S !

Unleash Your Child's Desire To Write

Receive instant access to my 3-part Video Series

  • Learn effective strategies to motivate and inspire your child to write
  • Discover a new way to look at the writing/learning process
  • Transform struggling into inspiration and confidence
  • Watch your child’s mind light up
  • Expand your own creativity


Unleash Your Child's Desire To Write

Video 1 – How to awaken curiosity and thinking skills – 18 minutes

Video 2 – Activities for when your child or students are stuck, stubborn or scared! – 25 minutes

Video 3 – Activities for expanding on a theme and staying on topic – 20 minutes

Module I : Wake Up Your Mind! How To Build & Write Paragraphs

35 pages of downloadable strategies and worksheets

57 minutes of on-demand videos

Unleash Your Child’s Desire to Write!

3-Part Video Series
